Vines and Branches

Volume 4, Issue 1    September 1999

raussetour1.jpg (98821 bytes) 1999 Reunion Draws 250 to the Greenwood Community Center in the shadow of the Blue Ridge for an afternoon of conversation and dinner.  The warm August 7th did not interfere with meeting new kinfolk, renewing old ties, talking, eating, photographing, and exchanging stories.

On Sunday morning at 8 a.m. the stalwarts were ready to visit the Monticello gardens where Antonio worked from 1778 until 1786, and where he became an American.Gabriele Rausse, Associate Director of Gardens and Grounds at Monticello, delighted 52 family members with tales of the life of an Italian immigrant winemaker.  He also showed how Jefferson planned his gardens as experimental plots -- an agricultural laboratory.  He really captured the audience by recalling how his own experience was much like Antonio's.  Each had come to America to run a winery.  Now, after 34 years of developing new wineries, he restores the Italian wine connection at Monticello.  The Sunday morning tour proved a high point in the weekend for many 'reuners.'

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Aug. 7th. 1999, Greenwood Community Center, Albemarle County, Virginia (left to right): George W. Habel, III, Megan Boyd; Cindi Schultz Habel, Don Boyd, Lauren Remsen Habel, Melissa Ann Habel, Matt Habel, Rachel Lee Giannini Habel, Jake Boyd, George W. Habel, Jr., Mary Ann Habel Boyd, Elizabeth Marie Giannini Riggleman, Robert Lewis Giannini, IV, Stephanie Fox Giannini (holding) John Cristofer Giannini, Robert Lewis Giannini, V, Pat Daley Giannini, Robert Lewis Giannini, III, Kathleen Virginia Scanlan (held by) Tricia Lynette Giannini Scanlan, Patrick M. Scanlan, Sarah Frances Anderson Suter.

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